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  1. The latest FlyMultiTool v1.9.0 update is here, bringing key improvements, new language support, and a cleaner user experience. As always, we’ve aligned the tool with the latest game update to ensure full compatibility and smooth gameplay. Here’s what you can expect: CHANGELOG v1.9.0: ✅ Up-to-Date with the Latest Game Version – No interruptions, just seamless performance. ❌ No More Background Ads – We’ve removed them for an even cleaner experience. 🌍 More Languages Added – Expanding accessibility with new language options in the selector. ⚙️ General Enhancements & Optimizations – Fine-tuned for better stability and usability. 🔧 Minor Bug Fixes – Addressing small issues for a more polished tool. With each update, we aim to refine your experience and keep FlyMultiTool the best in the game. Try version 1.9.0 today and feel the difference! 🚀🎮
  2. 🛠 TOOL UPDATE v1.8.0 – Smarter, Faster, and More Reliable! We’re thrilled to announce our latest updates, bringing a host of enhancements, fixes, and exciting new features to elevate your gaming experience. At FlyMultiTool, we strive to ensure our tool remains intuitive, powerful, and tailored to your needs, and this update is no exception. From performance improvements to bug fixes and innovative new options, we’ve focused on refining every aspect to make your gameplay smoother, smarter, and more enjoyable. Whether you’re a seasoned user or just getting started, there’s something in this update for everyone. Dive in and explore what’s new—designed with you in mind! 🎮 🌟 What’s New in v1.8.0? 🐞 BUG FIXES 🛠 Fixed crashes when saving pickup item filters with special characters (à, è, ò, etc.). 🛠 Quickstart buttons now correctly load the available preset list. ⚙️ GENERAL UPDATES 🗺 Navigation: Enhanced navigation for smoother movement in and between maps. 💨 Speed Boost: Refined for a more efficient and faster experience. ⚙️ SETTINGS 🌍 Added Multilanguage Support (partially implemented). Want to help translate? Contact us! 🏆 Highlights from v1.7.8 💡 Improved Waithack algorithm for better performance and resource efficiency. 🔍 Added Shop Search Glass for secondary accounts—an exciting new feature! 🗺 Radar Navigation preferences (Walking/Teleport) are now saved in your configuration. 🎒 Fixed inventory display bugs and improved the item sorting system. ⚡ Performance tweaks for a smoother experience. 🔄 v1.7.6 🔄 Fully aligned with the latest game update to ensure compatibility. 🌟 v1.7.5 🔒 Improved security and stability for safer gameplay. 🎒 Inventory Enhancements: Added an automatic inventory sorting feature. 🧪 Alchemy Support: Added functionality for alchemy quests. 🤝 Player Boost: Automatic guild creation at level 40. 🌍 A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Community! ❤️ Every improvement, every new feature—these are made possible by your incredible feedback. Your insights shape FlyMultiTool into the powerful and intuitive tool it is today. We’re deeply grateful for your contributions and passion. Together, we’ll keep growing and improving to make gaming even better for everyone! 💬 Got more ideas or feedback? Share them with us on Discord! 🎮 Ready to Take Your Game to the Next Level? Download the latest version of FlyMultiTool now and experience the smartest way to play the game. Stay ahead of the competition with our powerful features and seamless updates! Download FlyMultiTool Here! 💪 Join the fun and keep playing smarter today! 🎉
  3. 🌟 FlyMultiTool v1.6.5 Update 🌟 We’re excited to announce the latest update for FlyMultiTool—version 1.6.5. This update brings numerous enhancements, bug fixes, and new features to further elevate your gameplay experience. Here's what's new: ~ Launcher v2.0.0 Changelog ~ We've completely revamped the FlyMultiTool launcher to offer a more streamlined and efficient experience: Two Flexible Loading Options: Whether you want to inject FlyMultiTool into an active game client or prefer a fresh start with our slot-based system, the new launcher caters to both needs. You can now easily select the method that best fits your play style. Slot-Based Account Management: Manage multiple accounts effortlessly by saving account presets in slots. Each slot can store login information, server details, and character setups, allowing for quick and easy logins with just a click. Seamless Autologin: The launcher now includes an improved autologin mechanism that handles game launch, logging in, and loading your configurations, ensuring a smoother, faster start to your sessions. Enhanced UI & UX: The new launcher interface has been optimized for clarity and ease of use, making it simpler to navigate and configure your settings. Improved Compatibility: Designed to work seamlessly across various server types and game versions, providing a reliable and consistent launch experience. ~ FlyMultiTool v1.6.5 Changelog ~ 🚀 GENERAL IMPROVEMENTS Game Alignment: The tool is aligned with the latest game update General Bug Fixes: Various bugs have been fixed for improved stability and performance. UI & UX Enhancements: We've polished the interface for a smoother, more intuitive experience. Improved Stability: Fine-tuned the tool for more consistent performance. Improved Security: Further strengthened to safeguard your gaming environment. ⚙️ SIDEBAR ENHANCEMENTS LOGOUT: Resolved an issue causing crashes when using the logout button. CHANNEL SWITCH: Now supports all servers, ensuring seamless switching between channels. AUTOLOGIN: Enhanced autologin capabilities; if a disconnection from the server is detected (including connection errors), the tool will automatically attempt to reconnect after a short delay. 🔥 MAIN FEATURES SECTION PLAYER BOOST: Added a "Follow another player" option—perfect for support characters or other use cases where following a player is beneficial. FARM BOOST: Added a "Sell at shop" feature with several filters: Sell items lower than a selected level. Sell items lower than a selected upgrade level. Avoid selling items with bonuses. Manage two filter lists: Never Sell Items List Always Sell Items List 🛠 UTILITY ENHANCEMENTS INVENTORY - Item Splitter: Improved functionality in the inventory for a better user experience. 👁 VISUALS Rotate Camera Continuously: Added a new option to continuously rotate the camera to prevent black screen issues. 🛡 PROTECTION WHITELIST: Added a surrounding nickname list feature, allowing you to quickly and easily add players to the exclusion list for enhanced convenience. We want to take a moment to express our heartfelt thanks to our amazing community. Your feedback, suggestions, and support are the driving forces behind FlyMultiTool's continued evolution. If FlyMultiTool has become one of the most loved tools in the M2 community, it’s thanks to you! Your contributions are truly appreciated, and we’re excited to keep improving the tool together ! For those who want to explore all the details and features of FlyMultiTool, check out our detailed overview. ( CLICK HERE ) 🚀 Join the fun and take your game to the next level today! 🎮 DOWNLOAD NOW - 🌟 UPDATE 1.7.0 🌟 - 🚀 GENERAL ALIGNED WITH THE LATEST GAME UPDATE IMPROVED SECURITY & STABILITY 🏠 MAIN AUTOSKILL: IMPROVED SUPPORT FOR LYCAN SKILLS 📊 UTILITY NAVIGATION: IMPROVED NAVIGATION BETWEEN MAPS 👁 VISUALS STREAMER: ADDED SERVER SPOOFER 🛡 PROTECTION DETECTION: PAUSE ROUTE IF DETECT PLAYER
  4. Benvenuto su FlyMultiTool, lo strumento definitivo per i giocatori di Metin2 che vogliono migliorare la propria esperienza di gioco! Che tu sia un giocatore occasionale o un giocatore appassionato, FlyMultiTool è progettato per automatizzare e semplificare gli aspetti più ripetitivi e dispendiosi del gioco, offrendoti più tempo per concentrarti sugli elementi divertenti e strategici. Con funzionalità potenti come farming automatico, livellamento e gestione dell'inventario, FlyMultiTool ti consente di prendere il pieno controllo del gioco con facilità. Dall'avanzamento del tuo personaggio al miglioramento visivo del gameplay, offriamo una soluzione completa per aiutarti a dominare la competizione e godere di un'esperienza di gioco fluida. 🚀 Launcher di Gioco Personalizzato: Eleva la Tua Esperienza Abbiamo fatto un passo avanti sviluppando un loader personalizzato che offre due modalità di caricare FlyMultiTool nel tuo gioco. Che tu sia già in gioco o stia iniziando da zero, il nostro loader rende tutto incredibilmente semplice ed efficiente: Carica nei Client di Gioco Attivi Stai già giocando? Nessun problema! Con la nostra sezione "Live", puoi caricare FlyMultiTool direttamente in qualsiasi client di gioco attivo che hai aperto. Basta selezionare il processo, premere "Load Tool" e sei pronto a partire senza riavviare il gioco. Avvio del Gioco Basato su Slot Per chi preferisce un avvio più semplice, offriamo un potente sistema basato su slot che funge da gestore degli account. Con questa funzionalità, non dovrai preoccuparti di ricordare quale account ha un personaggio specifico. Basta compilare i dettagli richiesti (informazioni sull'account, server, canale e nome del personaggio) e assegnarli a uno slot. Ogni slot diventa una configurazione preimpostata, risparmiandoti tempo e fatica. Con un solo clic, il launcher gestisce tutto per te: avvia il client di gioco, effettua il login automaticamente e carica persino le impostazioni predefinite (se le hai configurate). Questo elimina il compito ripetitivo di inserire manualmente i dettagli di accesso e regolare le impostazioni ogni volta che vuoi giocare. Il sistema a slot non solo velocizza il processo, ma mantiene anche organizzati i tuoi account e le tue impostazioni, permettendoti di entrare in azione in modo rapido ed efficiente. È una vera esperienza "carica e gioca" pensata per massimizzare la tua comodità di gioco! 🎮 Stanco delle attività ripetitive e dispendiose? FlyMultiTool è qui per cambiare il modo in cui giochi! Il nostro potente strumento è progettato per semplificare quelle attività fastidiose e ripetitive, permettendoti di concentrarti sulle parti divertenti del gioco mentre automatizzi il resto. Che tu stia farmando, livellando o gestendo l'inventario del tuo personaggio, FlyMultiTool ti dà la libertà di goderti la tua esperienza di gioco al massimo. Prendi il controllo, gioca in modo intelligente e domina la competizione! 🚀 .-( Caratteristiche Principali )-. FlyMultiTool è ricco di una vasta gamma di funzionalità progettate per soddisfare lo stile unico di ogni giocatore. Ci siamo concentrati sulle caratteristiche principali per mantenere questa introduzione breve, ma ti assicuriamo che ogni funzionalità è completamente personalizzabile per adattarsi alle tue preferenze di gioco. Diamo un'occhiata rapida a ciò che rende FlyMultiTool un'aggiunta essenziale alla tua configurazione di gioco: ✨ Caratteristiche Principali: LevelBot: Automatizza il tuo processo di livellamento con funzionalità come autohunt classico, waithack, exploit del danno, riduzione del danno e autopickup. FarmBot: Fai farming efficacemente di Metin, minerali e boss con facilità. PlayerBoost: Raccogli automaticamente le armi giovani eroi, ottieni abilità al livello 6 e equipaggia la migliore arma per il tuo livello. AutoSkill / Status: Automatizza l'uso delle abilità ed il miglioramento delle abilità e degli status. Exploit Damage: Utilizza un client aggiuntivo per inviare molti piú attacchi FarmBoost: Gestisci la tua farm come un professionista! Cammina automaticamente verso i negozi quando le pozioni sono esaurite o l'inventario è pieno, acquista pozioni e vendi gli oggetti configurati. MailBox Support: Aumenta la tua efficienza di farming inviando automaticamente gli oggetti selezionati ad altri personaggi tramite la posta. ShopFinder: Il miglior shopfinder disponibile con anteprima avanzata degli oggetti, mostrando bonus, pietre e altro ancora. Auto Item Use: Usa automaticamente gli oggetti comuni disponibili nel tuo inventario. Navigazione Avanzata delle Mappe: Seleziona semplicemente la mappa di destinazione e FlyMultiTool si occuperà della navigazione per te. ➕ Caratteristiche Aggiuntive: Miglioramenti Visivi: Goditi una visuale della telecamera estesa (zoom hack), disabilita la nebbia e risolvi problemi di schermo nero. Nascondi Mob/Giocatori/NPC: Nascondi elementi per ridurre l'uso della GPU e migliorare le prestazioni. Personalizzazione Radar: Personalizza il radar mostrando/nascondendo entità, regolando la distanza e modificando i colori. Navigazione Radar: Clicca con il tasto destro sul radar per navigare istantaneamente verso il punto desiderato. Boost Prestazioni: Pulsanti di azione rapida per migliorare immediatamente le prestazioni del gioco. Funzionalità per Streamer: Spoofa il tuo livello e nickname durante lo streaming e divertiti con la "Modalità Hulk" per ingrandire il tuo personaggio! Sistema di Trasmutazione: Personalizza i tuoi oggetti con la trasmutazione! Converti il tuo cavallo, armatura o accessori in qualcosa di più entusiasmante. 🛡️ Funzionalità Anti-Ban: Rilevamento Giocatori: Rileva sia giocatori vivi che morti. Disabilita Automaticamente le Funzionalità: Disabilita waithack o raccolta quando vengono rilevati giocatori. SpeedBoost: Aumenta la velocità di movimento quando i giocatori sono vicini. Chiudi Automaticamente: Chiudi automaticamente il client se viene rilevato un [GM], l'inventario è pieno, le pozioni rosse sono esaurite o raggiungi un certo livello. WhiteList: Aggiungi nickname a una whitelist per farmare o livellare con personaggi aggiuntivi (come un buffer) senza che le funzionalità vengano disabilitate. 🔧 Impostazioni e Personalizzazione: Salva & Carica Configurazioni: Salva e Carica facilmente le tue configurazioni generali, i filtri di raccolta oggetti e le rotte di farming. Preset per Ogni Livello: Assegna preset dinamici che aggiornano le tue impostazioni, liste di oggetti e rotte in base al livello del tuo personaggio. QuickStart: Inizia le tue attività con un solo clic utilizzando pulsanti di avvio rapido personalizzabili. Tasti di Scelta Rapida delle Funzionalità: Personalizza ulteriormente la tua esperienza impostando tasti di scelta rapida per le tue funzionalità preferite. ✨🛠️ Caratteristiche Esclusive che Distinguono FlyMultiTool 🏆 FlyMultiTool si distingue dagli altri strumenti offrendo funzionalità uniche e potenti che migliorano la tua esperienza di gioco come mai prima d’ora. Il nostro strumento è progettato per offrire funzionalità esclusive, garantendo che tu abbia il modo più ottimizzato ed efficiente per giocare: Autologin e Gestione Slot: Il nostro sistema basato su slot ti consente di salvare più preset di account, rendendo facile accedere a diversi account con un solo clic. Non c'è bisogno di inserire manualmente credenziali o dettagli del personaggio—basta selezionare uno slot e il launcher gestisce tutto per te. Sistema di Trasmutazione: Personalizza i tuoi oggetti con una funzionalità che ti permette di trasformare cavalcature, armature o accessori, dando al tuo personaggio un look unico e personalizzato. (es: Trasforma cavallo in Manni) Ottimizzazioni delle Prestazioni: Offriamo una varietà di impostazioni per migliorare le prestazioni del gioco istantaneamente, come nascondere mob e NPC per ridurre il carico sulla GPU, disabilitare elementi visivi non necessari e regolare le impostazioni del radar per un gameplay efficiente. Supporto per Streamer: Per chi trasmette il proprio gameplay, FlyMultiTool offre funzionalità come la modifica del livello, la modifica del nickname e effetti visivi divertenti come la "Modalità Hulk" per mantenere sicura la tua identità e coinvolgere il tuo pubblico senza compromettere la sicurezza. Queste caratteristiche esclusive danno a FlyMultiTool un vantaggio sugli altri strumenti, garantendo una soluzione completa che non solo migliora il gameplay, ma lo rende anche più fluido e sicuro. 💬 Unisciti alla Nostra Comunità in Crescita su Discord! Pronto a connetterti con altri giocatori e a ottenere il massimo dalla tua esperienza con FlyMultiTool? Unisciti al nostro server Discord per rimanere aggiornato con le ultime novità, condividere suggerimenti e ricevere supporto diretto dal nostro team. Che tu stia cercando di migliorare il tuo gameplay o semplicemente di chiacchierare con altri giocatori simili, la nostra comunità è qui per te. Non perdere l'occasione—clicca qui sotto e diventa parte della comunità di FlyMultiTool oggi stesso! [ Unisciti a Discord ] ⬇️ Scarica Ora e Contribuisci a Modellare il Futuro! FlyMultiTool è disponibile completamente gratis per il download e l'uso. Siamo impegnati a rendere la tua esperienza di gioco più piacevole, e crediamo nel potere del feedback della comunità. Ecco perché incoraggiamo feedback costruttivi da tutti i nostri utenti—siamo sempre in ascolto e desiderosi di migliorare. Le tue idee e suggerimenti aiutano a modellare il futuro dello strumento, assicurando che soddisfi le esigenze di ogni giocatore. Scarica ora e inizia a ottimizzare il tuo gameplay oggi stesso! [ Scarica FlyMultiTool ] [ Link VirusTotal ] [ DISCLAIMER FALSO POSITIVO: Lo strumento è pesantemente offuscato, quindi può essere rilevato come falso positivo ]
  5. Welcome to FlyMultiTool, the ultimate tool for Metin2 players who want to elevate their gaming experience! Whether you’re a casual player or a dedicated grinder, FlyMultiTool is designed to automate and simplify the most repetitive and time-consuming aspects of the game, giving you more time to focus on the fun and strategic elements. With powerful features like automated farming, leveling, and inventory management, FlyMultiTool lets you take full control of your game with ease. From boosting your character's progress to enhancing gameplay visuals, we provide an all-in-one solution to help you dominate the competition and enjoy a seamless gaming experience. 🚀 Custom Game Launcher: Elevate Your Experience We’ve taken things a step further by developing a custom tool loader that provides two flexible options for how you can load FlyMultiTool into your game. Whether you’re already in-game or starting fresh, our tool loader makes it incredibly simple and efficient: Load into Active Game Clients Already playing? No problem! With our "Live" section, you can load FlyMultiTool directly into any active game client you have open. Just select the process, hit "Load Tool," and you’re ready to go without restarting your game. Slot-Based Game Start For those who prefer a streamlined start, we offer a powerful slot-based system that acts as an account manager. With this feature, you don’t have to worry about remembering which account has a specific character. Simply fill out the required details (account info, server, channel, and character name) and assign them to a slot. Each slot becomes a pre-configured setup, saving you time and hassle. With just one click, the launcher handles everything for you—starting the game client, logging you in automatically, and even loading your preset settings (if you’ve configured any). This eliminates the repetitive task of manually entering login details and adjusting settings each time you want to play. The slot system not only speeds up the process but also keeps your accounts and presets organized, allowing you to jump into action effortlessly and efficiently. It's a true "load and play" experience designed to maximize your gaming convenience! 🎮 Tired of repetitive and time-consuming tasks in your favorite game? FlyMultiTool is here to change the way you play! Our powerful tool is designed to streamline those annoying, repetitive activities, allowing you to focus on the fun parts of the game while automating the rest. Whether you're farming, leveling, or managing your character’s inventory, FlyMultiTool gives you the freedom to enjoy your gaming experience to the fullest. Take control of the game, play smarter, and dominate the competition effortlessly. 🚀 _.-( Feature Highlights )-._ FlyMultiTool comes packed with a wealth of features designed to cater to every player's unique style. We’ve focused on the main features to keep this introduction concise, but rest assured, every tool is fully customizable to suit your gaming preferences. Let’s take a quick look at what makes FlyMultiTool an essential addition to your game setup: ✨ Main Features: LevelBot: Automate your leveling process with features like classic autohunt, waithack, damage exploit, damage reduction, and autopickup. FarmBot: Efficiently farm Metins, Ores, and Bosses with ease. PlayerBoost: Automatically collect young hero weapons, get skills at level 6, and equip the best young hero weapon for your level. AutoSkill / Status: Automate the use of skills and the upgrading of skills and status. Exploit Damage: Use an additional client to exploit the damage and send 1000x attacks FarmBoost: Manage your farm like a pro! Automatically walk to shops when potions run out or the inventory is full, buy potions, and sell configured items. MailBox Support: Boost your farming efficiency by automatically sending selected items to other characters via mailbox. ShopFinder: The best shopfinder available with advanced item preview, showing bonuses, stones, and more. Auto Item Use: Automatically use common items available in your inventory. Advanced Map Navigation: Simply select your destination map, and FlyMultiTool will handle the navigation for you. ➕ Additional Features: Visual Improvements: Enjoy an extended camera view (zoom hack), disable fog, and fix black screen issues. Hide Mobs/Players/NPCs: Hide elements to reduce GPU usage and improve performance. Radar Customization: Personalize the radar by showing/hiding entities, customizing ranges, and adjusting colors. Radar Navigation: Right-click on the radar to instantly navigate to your desired point. Performance Boost: Fast-action buttons to improve game performance instantly. Streamer Features: Spoof your level and nickname while streaming, and have fun with "Hulk Mode" to make your character enormous! Transmutation System: Customize your items with transmutation! Convert your mount, armor, or accessories into something more exciting. 🛡️ Anti-Ban Features: Player Detection: Detect both live and dead players. Auto Disable Features: Disable waithack or pickup when players are detected. SpeedBoost: Increase walking speed when players are nearby. Auto Close Features: Automatically close the client if a [GM] is detected, inventory is full, red potions are used up, or you reach a certain level. WhiteList: Add nicknames to a whitelist so you can farm or level up with additional characters (like a buffer) without unwanted features being disabled. 🔧 Settings & Customization: Save & Load Configurations: Easily save and load your general configurations, item pickup filters, and farming routes. Presets for Every Level: Assign dynamic presets that update your settings, item lists, and routes based on your character’s level. QuickStart: Start your activities with a single click using customizable quick-start buttons. Feature Hotkeys: Customize your experience even further by setting up hotkeys for your favorite features. ✨🛠️ Exclusive Features That Set FlyMultiTool Apart 🏆 FlyMultiTool stands out from other tools in the market by offering unique and powerful features that enhance your gaming experience like never before. Our tool is designed to provide exclusive functionalities, ensuring that you have the most optimized and efficient way to play: Autologin and Slot Management: Our slot-based system lets you save multiple account presets, making it easy to log into different accounts with a single click. No need to manually enter login credentials or character details—just select a slot, and the launcher handles everything for you. Transmutation System: Customize your items with a feature that lets you transform mounts, armor, or accessories, giving your character a unique and personalized look. Performance Optimizations: We provide a variety of settings to improve game performance instantly, such as hiding mobs and NPCs to reduce GPU load, disabling unnecessary visual elements, and adjusting radar settings for efficient gameplay. Streamer Support: For those who stream their gameplay, FlyMultiTool offers features like level spoofing, nickname hiding, and fun visual effects like "Hulk Mode" to keep your identity secure and engage your audience without compromising safety. These exclusive features give FlyMultiTool an edge over other tools, ensuring that you have an all-in-one solution that not only enhances gameplay but also streamlines and secures your gaming experience. 💬 Join Our Growing Community on Discord! Ready to connect with other players and get the most out of your FlyMultiTool experience? Join our Discord server to stay up-to-date with the latest updates, share tips, and get direct support from our team. Whether you’re looking to improve your gameplay or simply chat with like-minded players, our community is here for you. Don’t miss out—click below and become part of the FlyMultiTool community today! [ Join Discord ] ⬇️ Download Now and Help Shape the Future! FlyMultiTool is available completely free for you to download and enjoy. We are committed to making your gaming experience more enjoyable, and we believe in the power of community-driven feedback. That’s why we encourage constructive feedback from all our users—we're always listening and eager to improve. Your ideas and suggestions help shape the future of the tool, ensuring it meets the needs of every player. Download now and start optimizing your gameplay today! [ Download FlyMultiTool ] [ VirusTotal Link ] [ FALSE POSITIVE DISCLAIMER: The tool is heavily obfuscated, so it can detected as a false positive ]
  6. 🌟 Major Update v1.6.0 🌟 Hello everyone! We’re thrilled to introduce our latest update, version 1.6.0! Packed with exciting new features, improvements, and optimizations, this update is designed to take your gaming experience to new heights. Whether you're here for better farming strategies or enhanced gameplay tools, this update has something for everyone. Let’s explore what’s fresh in version 1.6.0! 🎮 COMMUNITY HIGHLIGHTS: Before diving into the new features and improvements, let’s take a moment to celebrate the heart of it all—our incredible community. As we continue to grow and face new challenges, we’re inspired by how much you all enjoy using our tool. Your support fuels our passion to keep refining and enhancing your experience. As we expand, we're on the lookout for new staff members to help us continue growing! If you love our community and are ready to help guide new members, offer support, and share creative ideas for events and improvements, we want to hear from you. This is your chance to be part of something bigger—whether you’re interested in moderation, content creation, or technical support, there’s a role waiting for you. Join us as we push the boundaries of what’s possible in gaming and continue to shape the future of our community together! 🌟 🔥 FEATURE ENHANCEMENTS : FAST CHAR SWITCHER IN SIDEBAR : We’ve introduced a fast character switcher to streamline your gameplay. Now, switching between your characters is faster than ever—simply select the desired character’s nickname from the sidebar, and you’ll instantly jump into the action. This feature ensures smooth transitions during gameplay, saving you time and letting you focus on the adventure ahead. WAITHACK IMPROVEMENTS : Our waithack damage exploit has received significant improvements, making it more efficient and powerful. For AFK farming, the damage exploit now ensures that the secondary client follows the main one when switching channels, giving you consistent performance across multiple clients and channels for maximum farming efficiency. FARM LOGIC UPGRADES : Farming just got smarter! We’ve refined the farm logic and algorithms, allowing for smoother, more optimized farming sessions. Additionally, we’ve enhanced the wait delay after stones are killed to ensure that all drops are properly picked up, preventing missed opportunities and maximizing loot collection during farming runs. ITEM PICKUP STRATEGY : A new strategy is now available for item pickup. You can set the tool to automatically drop items that lack bonuses, keeping your inventory lean and only retaining the valuable loot. This strategic change will help improve your farming efficiency, enabling you to focus on the items that really matter. ITEM USAGE IMPROVEMENTS : We’ve resolved compatibility issues between different item versions, such as items dropped from quests versus in-game. The tool now automatically recognizes and uses these items, ensuring smoother gameplay. Additionally, Energy Crystals are now fully supported and can be automatically used, adding another layer of efficiency to your playstyle. PLAYER BOOST FEATURE : Leveling your characters has never been easier. With the new player boost feature, you can now automatically acquire the best Young Hero Weapons for your level by simply entering part of the quest name. Furthermore, skills can also be acquired automatically based on your selected class, giving you a powerful advantage as you progress. FARM BOOST UPGRADES : Farming has been taken to a whole new level with our latest farm boost feature. If your inventory becomes full or you run out of potions, the character will automatically head to a shop to restock or visit the mailbox to send items. This feature ensures that your farming sessions are as efficient as possible without the need for manual intervention. (Please note, sell-items functionality is not yet available.) MAILBOX INTEGRATION : We’ve integrated mailbox functionality directly into the farming process, allowing you to send items to other characters quickly and easily. Whether you’re managing resources or clearing inventory space, this feature will streamline item transfers, keeping your farm runs uninterrupted. 🛠 UTILITY UPGRADES : INVENTORY MAILBOX : Managing items across multiple characters is now easier with the new mailbox tab in the inventory. This feature allows you to select specific items and send them to another character’s mailbox with just a few clicks. As long as you’re near a mailbox NPC, item transfers have never been more convenient. ITEM REFINEMENT SYSTEM : Our new refine feature simplifies the refinement process. You can now refine selected items with the help of NPCs or use a Blessing Scroll to refine items without even needing an NPC. This feature supports custom NPCs and offers flexibility for upgrading your gear, improving your chances of success during gameplay. SELL ITEMS WARNING : For added security, a warning message has been added to the “Sell Items” feature to notify you if a shop is not open. This prevents accidental selling errors and ensures you only sell items when a valid shop is available. SHOP FINDER IMPROVEMENTS : The shop finder now supports POLY items, allowing you to search for items by mob name. In addition, when scanning for shops, you’ll now see a detailed tooltip preview that displays item bonuses, stones, and other relevant information, making your shopping experience easier and more efficient. NAVIGATION UPGRADES : We’ve enhanced the cross-map navigation system to make traveling between locations smoother. Whether you're navigating through crowded maps or traversing complex environments, this update ensures that your character gets where it needs to go quickly and efficiently. 👁 VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS : TOOL VERSIONING : For easier identification, you can now enable or disable the tool version display under the minimap. This gives you better control over your HUD, helping you maintain focus during gameplay. GRAPHICS REDUCTION OPTIONS : To optimize performance, we’ve added options to hide Mobs, Players, and NPCs from your screen. This will reduce graphical load, improving frame rates and ensuring a smoother gaming experience, especially on lower-end machines. RADAR ENTITY IMPROVEMENTS : Even when disabling other monsters from the radar, you can now ensure that bosses remain visible by selecting the option. This change is particularly useful during boss farming runs, allowing you to keep track of key targets without cluttering your radar. STREAMER MODE UPGRADES : Streamers will love the new level randomizer feature! It continuously spoofs your character’s level, keeping your real stats hidden. This is perfect for maintaining anonymity while streaming and creating engaging content without revealing too much to your viewers. TRANSMUTATIONS : Our new transmutation feature lets you customize your Mount, Armor, and Accessories, creating a unique look for your character. With more personalization options, you’ll stand out even more in the game world, and we’re thrilled to continue delivering new customization features with each update. 🛡 PROTECTION FEATURES : INVENTORY AUTO-CLOSE : To help manage inventory overflow, you can now set the tool to automatically close the client when your inventory is full. This feature prevents item loss and keeps your character safe by avoiding unnecessary actions when there's no room to store more loot. ⚙️ SETTINGS ENHANCEMENTS : QUICK START CONFIGURATIONS : We’ve made it even easier to dive into your game with configurable quick start buttons. Set up your preferred presets once, and you can start your game with a single click, saving time and letting you jump into the action instantly. 🚀 GENERAL TOOL IMPROVEMENTS : SECURITY UPGRADE : We’ve strengthened the tool’s security features to ensure a safer and more secure gaming experience. Rest assured, we’re continuously working to protect your gameplay. INTERFACE REFINEMENTS : The tool’s interface has been refined for a cleaner, more intuitive user experience. Navigation is smoother, and overall performance has been enhanced for better usability. This update is packed with incredible features and improvements designed to make your gaming experience smoother, more efficient, and more enjoyable than ever before. Whether it's new farming strategies, enhanced tools, or seamless gameplay, version 1.6.0 has it all! Don’t miss out on these exciting upgrades—download the latest version now and unlock the full potential of your gaming adventure. 🚀 Join the fun and take your game to the next level today! 🎮 DOWNLOAD NOW
  7. hmmmmmmmm that's really strange, we will try to replicate the issue to check what's wrong and try to fix. Thanks for your feedback about this issue. About the tool, you should download the autoupdater from the homepage, it will download the tool and all necessary files to run the tool, then a launcher will appear and you have to login with your forum account. Then you can load the tool in multiple Metin2 clients using the launcher 😃 Maybe we should creare a video tutorial about "how to start", we will try to take care of that Hope everything else is fine, enjoy the usage of the tool 🙂
  8. 31 / 07 / 2024 💫 Changelogs for Update 1.5.1 Updated with the latest game update 27 / 07 / 2024 💫 Changelogs for Update 1.5.0 Introducing Update 1.5.0: Exciting New Features & Game Compatibility! 🥷 COMMUNITY UPDATES News & Community Grow Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of our latest tool updates, let's take a moment to celebrate the incredible growth of our community! Each one of you brings something special to the table, making this journey truly remarkable. Your enthusiasm, support, and unique perspectives are what make our community so vibrant and dynamic. So here's to us, and to the exciting adventures ahead! Staff Opportunities Are you passionate about our community and eager to make a meaningful impact? Here's your chance! We're thrilled to announce open positions within our staff team, where you can contribute your skills and ideas to help shape the future of our community. Whether you excel in moderation, content creation, event planning, or technical support, there's a role for you. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to grow and evolve together. Your passion and dedication are what make our community thrive, and we can't wait to welcome you aboard! Vision, current state and next steps As we have always said, we want to expand our gaming community and what we want to create is a strong community that shares a common interest in the gaming and technology niche. Not only as staff members, being a member of the Fly community is also something amazing, we will try to create events, challenges and all kinds of things that a nice community should have to create a more engaging and fun place, which can be suitable for everyone . 🔧 TOOL UPDATES Gaming Bliss: Enjoy a flawless gaming experience with our tool perfectly synced to the latest game update. New Features: Thanks to your feedbacks we have improved our tool with your favorite suggested features. Bug Fixing: We've addressed minor bugs to enhance overall stability. 💡 IMPROVEMENTS USE ITEMS : Added new items that can be used automatically IMPROVED FARM CONFIGURATION: Added teleport speed selection (Slow / Fast) as suggested by some community members Added Farm Filter, currently you have to put comma separated values, like 8001,8002,8003,etc... Improved Mine Farming PLAYER BOOST: We've introduced new player boost features to enhance your experience: Automatically obtain the young hero weapon by entering part of the quest name (like "hero" in your language). When the quest is available, the selected weapon will be retrieved automatically from the dropdown menu. Automatically equip the best young hero weapon suited for your level. Automatically acquire skills for your selected skill class. SHOP FINDER: The search field in the SHOP FINDER utility is now case-insensitive, allowing you to type in uppercase or lowercase and still get accurate results. Additionally, we've enhanced the SHOP FINDER with a new feature that provides a preview of the items you're searching for, including bonuses and stones. This improvement aims to make your shopping experience smoother and more informative. 🙂 PROXY SUPPORT: In the settings tab, you can now select a prefix (e.g., [CLIENT_1]) to be used with external proxy software, enabling custom proxy support for each client.
  9. consider each pserver differ in something, so we cannot support all pserver with a single tool, each pserver have different customizations, different logics, and that need different work to make the tool compatible with that specified pserver. That's why we ask if there are some/a lot of community members, interessed in a specific p.server, we can try to make our tool also compatible with that specified p.server In the meanwhile thanks for your feedbacks, we really appreciate that 💪
  10. some peoples have already asked that, but currently we will support only official servers. Why? (from our FAQ) Because we have decided to not support pvp servers. However, if you're playing on a private server and believe there's significant interest in a specific tool for that server, we encourage you to submit your suggestion. If we notice substantial community interest in that particular private server, we'll consider developing a customized tool for it. Additionally, our focus isn't limited to just one type of game; we're open to various genres, including FPS games. You can express your preferences for other games by voting at https://flymt2.net/board/forums/topic/7-for-wich-game-do-you-want-a-toolz/. Remember, our community's choices drive our decisions. We base our actions on the feedback and requests we receive from you, the community. So essentially, the tools and features you ask for are what we aim to provide 💪
  11. 17 / 04 / 2024 🔧 Changelogs for Update 1.4.5 🌟 Presenting Update 1.4.5: Forge Your Path in Gaming Evolution! 🌟 🥷 COMMUNITY UPDATES News & Community Grow Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of our latest tool updates, let's take a moment to celebrate the incredible growth of our community! Each one of you brings something special to the table, making this journey truly remarkable. Your enthusiasm, support, and unique perspectives are what make our community so vibrant and dynamic. So here's to us, and to the exciting adventures ahead! Staff Opportunities Are you passionate about our community and eager to make a meaningful impact? Here's your chance! We're thrilled to announce open positions within our staff team, where you can contribute your skills and ideas to help shape the future of our community. Whether you excel in moderation, content creation, event planning, or technical support, there's a role for you. Join us on this exciting journey as we continue to grow and evolve together. Your passion and dedication are what make our community thrive, and we can't wait to welcome you aboard! Vision, current state and next steps As we have always said, we want to expand our gaming community and what we want to create is a strong community that shares a common interest in the gaming and technology niche. Not only as staff members, being a member of the Fly community is also something amazing, we will try to create events, challenges and all kinds of things that a nice community should have to create a more engaging and fun place, which can be suitable for everyone . 🔧 TOOL UPDATES Gaming Bliss: Enjoy a flawless gaming experience with our tool perfectly synced to the latest game update. 🛠️ BUGFIX USE ITEMS: We've fixed the buttons in the "USE ITEMS" section that was occasionally not working FARM: Optimized farm algorithms and settings 💡 IMPROVEMENTS USE ITEMS : Added new items that can be used automatically NAVIGATION: Added detailed informations when using navigation utility GENERAL - Delayed Respawn: Take control of your respawn timing with this new feature. Ideal for supporting characters like buffers, it allows you to customize the delay before respawning and the percentage of HP recovery needed before resuming attacks. Now, you can fine-tune your strategy with precision and efficiency. SKILLS: Added silent buff skills, this let you use your buff skills without doing the skill animation !! Currently it not support silent buff skills while using mounts !! RADAR: Added fast navigation buttons for Village 1 and Village 2 destinations! Enjoy seamless travel with just a click, making your journey smoother and more efficient than ever before. VERSIONING: Added versioning information on the Dashboard 🎮 Our dedication to innovation and enjoyment shines through in these updates. Your participation and feedback drive our ideas, shaping a gaming experience that surpasses expectations. Join us on this thrilling journey as we forge ahead together, creating a game world filled with endless possibilities! ✨ [ Ready to dive in? ] [ Download now and be part of the adventure! ] 🚀
  12. Hello, Can be a really nice idea that may create some more community engagement! We will think about it, let's hear also other community members, in the meanwhile, thanks for your feedback 🚀
  13. You should extract the tool and then Run As Administrator
  14. R@nd0m


    Really nice artworks! 😄 Good Job! 💪
  15. 🌟Big news is here, and it's absolutely thrilling! 🌈 The latest game update has brought a spectacular array of enhancements, ranging from dazzling graphics to slick performance upgrades. This transformation meant our tool needed a bit more time under the hood for a full compatibility makeover with the new game version. But guess what? It's done and ready to dazzle! 🛠️ Not only is our tool now fully aligned with the latest game update, but we've also been tirelessly refining it, squashing bugs, and implementing your invaluable suggestions to make it better than ever! 🤝 In facing these challenges, we've seen our community's strength shine through - supporting each other, understanding complexities, and managing the tough stuff together. You all are incredible! 🌟 Now, let's leap into the exciting details of this update! 🔧 Changelogs for Update 1.4.0 ✅ SUPPORTING NEW GAME VERSION: All your favorite features are now up-to-date and compatible with the latest game version. ✅ BUGFIX: No more crashes when using autoskill with mounts No more crashes when upgrading skills automatically No more crashes when tweaking configuration presets ✅ IMPROVEMENTS: Enhanced farm route algorithms for more stability in certain conditions Upgraded pickup algorithms for better performance and stability ✅ NEW FEATURES: Automatic Exp Donation: You asked, and we delivered! Set up your EXP to automatically donate to your guild at a specified percentage 29 / 02 / 2024 🔧 Changelogs for Update 1.4.1 🚀 PERFORMANCE BOOST: Experience smoother gameplay with reduced lags and FPS drops. Our latest optimizations ensure a more fluid and engaging gaming session. 🛠️ BUGFIXES & SECURITY ENHANCEMENTS: Waithack Disabling Fixed: No more worries about waithack not deactivating when other players are nearby. Stone Farming Resolved: Enjoy a seamless experience when farming Stones. Pickup Stability: We've tackled the automatic pickup issues that occasionally caused crashes. 🔧 EXCITING UPDATES: Refined EXP Donation Logic: You now have more control! Select your level (like staying at level 50 to farm items) while donating excess EXP to avoid leveling up. Plus, keep enough EXP for reading skill books, optimizing both item farming and skill upgrading. Auto-Login Returns: By popular demand, the auto-login feature is back! It'll automatically reconnect you during connection issues or lags, keeping your game going strong. 11 / 03 / 2024 🔧 Changelogs for Update 1.4.2 🚀 ENHANCED PERFORMANCE AND LAG SOLUTIONS : Experience a revolution in gameplay with drastically reduced lags and FPS drops. Our latest optimizations guarantee a seamless and enthralling gaming adventure. Market Map Lag Fix: No more slowdowns while navigating the market map. Radar-Related FPS Improvements: Enjoy seamless gaming even with the radar active, plus new performance optimization options for an even smoother experience. Disable Radar Map Background: Opt for less resource usage with the new option to disable the Radar Map Background. 🛠️ CRITICAL BUGFIXES & SECURITY UPGRADES : Shop Finder Revamped: We've overhauled the shop finder utility for full functionality. Route Creation Accuracy: Prevent wrong coordinates like (0;0) in your route list. Tool Loading Improved: Consider load the tool after the intro-video, in the char selection or even better when your champ is already in game 🛡PROTECTION : Detect also death players: Enable this feature to detect even deceased players, minimizing reports and maximizing gameplay discretion. Smart Pickup Disabling: Pickup functions now can be automatically cease when players are detected, bolstering both security and privacy. 🔧 EXCITING NEW FEATURES : Auto ATK Range Customization: Tailor your Auto Hunt range for strategic, efficient leveling without having to traverse the entire map. Selective Item Dropping: Added the possibility to select items from inventory tab and drop selected items automatically. Consider that the game have added delays between drops, so will not be istant-dropped. Fast Channel Switcher: Beta version of a new feature, a fast CH Switcher, available in the sidebar buttons. This feature is unstable so sometimes can works and sometimes not. Please share some feedback about this feature! ☯️ PERFORMANCE BOOST : We've introduced a new segment in our tool, dedicated to optimizing your overall gaming performance: Optimize Game Settings: Adjust game settings for peak performance, disabling elements like shadows and text overlays. Optimize Tool Settings: Fine-tune your tool with options such as a compact radar, disabling or changing features like using a small radar, and without a map background, disabling radar ranges and radar mobs (leaving only metin stones, bosses, mine, portals, and other entities ) for an optimized performance experience. 21 / 03 / 2024 🔧 Changelogs for Update 1.4.3 🌟 Introducing Update 1.4.3: Expanding Horizons in Gaming! 🌟 🔧 UPDATES Perfect Harmony: Our tool is now flawlessly aligned with the latest game update, ensuring a seamless gaming experience. 🛠️ BUGFIX Iconic Clarity: We've fixed the icons in the "Performance" section for improved visibility and accessibility. 💡 IMPROVEMENTS Auto-Channel Switch in Farm Settings: Revolutionize your farming with the new auto-CH switch feature. Once your route is complete, it automatically switches channels. While this feature is in its trial phase and may have some instability, your feedback is vital in refining it. Navigational Mastery: Introducing the "Navigation" Section – select a map and watch your character embark on a journey to the chosen destination. Plus, a convenient "Go to nearest shop" button for easy access to shopping. Streamer-Friendly Additions: The new "Streamer" section includes a nickname spoofing option for recording or streaming sessions. And for a bit of fun, try out the "Hulk Mode" to see your character grow in size! 🎮 These updates and enhancements are a reflection of our commitment to providing you with an innovative and enjoyable gaming experience. Your active involvement and feedback are the pillars of our development process. Let's continue this exciting journey together, creating a game world that exceeds all expectations! 🚀 ✨ 🌐 These updates were made with your feedback in mind, continuing our commitment to improving your gaming experience. Keep the feedback coming, and let's make our game even better together! 🎮✨
  16. yeah we know, the tool is currently in maintenance mode
  17. That's a really nice idea! Good job, hope the community enjoy that 🚀
  18. That looks really nice! Great job 💪
  19. Hey there, FlyMt2 Enthusiasts! 🌍 What an incredible journey it's been! Just a few days post-launch of our openBeta Metin2 Tool, and wow - you all have blown us away! Your engagement, feedback, and sheer passion have helped us rapidly evolve this tool, enhancing its functionalities and squashing those pesky bugs. 🛠️ 🚀 A Community-Driven Update Thanks to YOU, our dear community, we've already rolled out an updated version. This isn't just an update; it's a testament to our collective strength and commitment to excellence. Your feedback is the heartbeat of our community! 💖 Unsung Heroes Among Us Guess what? Some of you have truly outdone yourselves, becoming unsung heroes by assisting fellow members, troubleshooting, and ensuring a seamless experience for everyone. This, friends, isn't just participation; it's dedication, it's love for FlyMt2! 💖 🌟 Rapid Growth and New Opportunities Within a mere 20 days, our community has skyrocketed in growth. Many of you have expressed interest in joining our dynamic staff team - this enthusiasm is what fuels our community's soul! 🌈 Contributing Beyond the Platform Remember, everyone enjoys free access to the openBeta tool, but your choice to contribute to our community's growth is what makes FlyMt2 more than just a platform; it's a vibrant community, a home where everyone belongs. 🌟 🔥 Trial Roles and Staff Opportunities We're excited to announce "trial roles" for potential staff members who've shown a burning desire to nurture and lead our community. If you're feeling the call, check out the remaining staff positions here: [Join Our Staff Team] But hey, you don't need a title to be a star in our universe! Every piece of feedback, every helping hand extended, every creative contribution like crafting informative videos or participating in events like our thrilling Video Event (win cool prizes, folks! [Join Here !]) adds immeasurable value to our community galaxy. 🚀 Together We Soar We're keeping this update short and sweet - because we know there's so much more to do and achieve together. Your presence, your voice, and your spirit are what make FlyMt2 not just a community but a movement. So here's to you, to us, to every high we've reached and every milestone we're yet to achieve. Together, we're not just flying; we're soaring! 🚀 With gratitude and excitement, R@nd0m & The FlyMt2 Team
  20. Hey Gamers, We're thrilled to announce that our gaming tool has just leveled up from version 1.0.0 to 1.1.0! This update packs a punch with some great improvements and fixes that you've all been waiting for. Here’s what’s new: Compatibility with Today's Game Update: First and foremost, we've ensured that our tool is fully compatible with the latest game update. So, you can dive right back into your favorite gaming world without any hiccups. General Security Update: Your security is our top priority. With this update, we’ve fortified our tool’s defenses, ensuring a safer and more secure gaming experience for everyone. Graphic Improvements: We've given our graphics a major boost! Expect smoother, crisper, and more visually appealing graphics that will enhance your gaming experience. And about the bug reported from some users, about the Range PickUp/WaitHack crash: Fixed the Range PickUp/WaitHack Issue: We’ve heard your feedback loud and clear. The bug that some of you reported regarding the Range PickUp/WaitHack has been squashed. We've thoroughly tested this fix, and it should now work seamlessly for everyone. However, we are always open to feedback. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please let us know. Your input is invaluable in making our tool the best it can be. Fixed the Save/Load of Configurations: Now every settings or filter can be saved and loaded multiple times. We can’t wait for you to experience these updates. We're committed to providing you with the best gaming tools, and this update is a step forward in that journey. So, go ahead, update your tool, dive back into the game, and enjoy the enhanced experience! Stay tuned for more updates and, as always, happy gaming! To get the new version of the tool, you simply need to run the autopatcher that will download all the updates automatically. If you dont have the autopatcher, you can [ DOWNLOAD HERE ] Cheers, R@nd0m & Fly Community
  21. Welcome Community! 🌟 Introducing "[GF] Metin2 - Fly Multi ToolZ" - Your Gateway to Revolutionary Gameplay! 🌟 Are you ready to redefine your Metin2 experience? We are thrilled to announce the launch of the "GAMENAME - Fly Multi ToolZ" in its Free Open Beta phase! This is more than just a tool; it's a game-changer, meticulously crafted to elevate your gaming journey to new heights. What's in it for you? Imagine diving into Metin2 with enhanced capabilities at your command. Experience the game like never before - streamlined, efficient, and more exhilarating. Our tool is not just about playing the game; it's about transforming it. ✨ Why should you try it? Because it's completely free during this Open Beta phase! This is your exclusive chance to be among the first to experience the future of gaming. But that's not all. We value your voice! Your feedback is crucial in shaping the final version of our tool. By participating in this beta, you become a pivotal part of our development journey, helping us fine-tune and perfect the tool for an even better gaming experience. 👉 Dive into the details of "[GF] Metin2 - Fly Multi ToolZ" and share your feedback [ CLICK HERE ]. Your journey to gaming excellence begins here. Let's embark on this adventure together!
  22. Dear M2 Enthusiasts, We're excited to share the news about the open beta release of our latest tool designed to enhance your gaming experience! Discover a world where automation meets exhilaration as our tool empowers you to transcend the mundane and unlock the full potential of Metin2! Picture a gaming landscape where every action is seamless, every strategy effortlessly executed, and every adventure enhanced to its fullest. Key Features: Advanced Gameplay: Elevate your gaming prowess with a plethora of advanced features at your fingertips. Unleash your true potential and outshine your competition. Automation Mastery: Tired of repetitive tasks? Our tool allows you to automate entire processes, giving you more time to focus on the strategic and thrilling aspects of the game. It's your choice – play smarter, not harder. Let's cut to the chase and explore what our tool can do for you! Join our discord server to: Boost Your Performance: Effortlessly execute advanced moves and strategies with the click of a button. Save Time: Automate routine tasks, allowing you to invest your precious time where it matters most – in the heart of the game. Enhance Your Experience: Immerse yourself in a gaming journey like never before, with features designed to amplify the excitement and engagement. Let's now introduce to our set of features: You can watch a (not too) short video about the features available in the Open Beta Requirements: You must install this dependencies to run our tool x64 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.20-windows-x64-installer x86 https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/thank-you/runtime-desktop-6.0.20-windows-x86-installer Don't just take our word for it – experience it yourself! Download our tool now and embark on a new era of gaming excellence. [ CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD ] Seize this opportunity to be at the forefront of innovation and take your Metin2 experience to unprecedented heights. The future of gaming is here, and you're invited to be a part of it! As we introduce the open beta of our tool, your feedback becomes the compass guiding us toward perfection. We invite you to share your thoughts—be it praise or constructive criticism. Your input is invaluable in refining our tool to cater to the diverse needs of our gaming community. Together, let's shape an unparalleled gaming experience. We're eager to hear from you and embark on this collaborative journey toward gaming excellence. Best Regards, R@nd0m & Fly Community
  23. Dear VIP Members, We are reaching out to inform you of a new update regarding the Metin2 game. We saw that GF Metin2 has been recently updated to version 23.3, bringing a host of exciting new features and improvements to enhance your gaming experience. In tandem with this game update, our team is diligently working to ensure that our tool is fully compatible with the latest version. However, it is imperative that we advise against using the current tool until the updated version is officially released. This precaution is necessary to ensure seamless compatibility and avoid any potential disruptions. We understand the value of your subscription and wish to reassure you that you will not lose any subscription days during this transitional period. In fact, upon the release of the updated tool, we are committed to adding an additional day to your subscription as a token of our appreciation for your continued support. We truly value your membership and remain dedicated to providing you with the best possible experience. We will keep you updated on our progress and notify you promptly once the upgraded tool is ready for use. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to our support team. Your feedback is invaluable to us. Thank you for your understanding. UPDATE: Our Toolz is updated and working with the latest game patch 23.3 +1 Day VIP Extension has been added to all our VIP Members FlyMt2 Staff
  24. Greetings Community Members! We're excited to introduce and discuss our new Community Ranking System, a dynamic feature designed to acknowledge and celebrate your contributions. This system is built on a points-based framework, where members earn points through various activities. We believe that this system will not only foster a sense of community but also encourage active participation. Let's take a closer look at the Achievements and how you can earn points: Achievements: Newbie ( 0 points ) Rookie ( 40 points ) Apprentice ( 90 points ) Explorer ( 185 points ) Contributor ( 250 points ) Enthusiast ( 400 points ) Collaborator ( 800 points ) Community Regular ( 1300 points ) Rising Star ( 1950 points ) Proficient ( 2600 points ) Experienced ( 3900 points ) Mentor ( 5200 points ) Veteran ( 9100 points ) Grand Master ( 13000 points ) Earning Points: Comment/Reply Posted (5 points): Engage in discussions, share your thoughts, and help fellow members by leaving insightful comments or replies. Content Item Followed (2 points): Stay updated with content you find interesting or informative by following items within the community. Member is Followed (2 points): Connect with other members and keep tabs on their activities by following them. Content Item Posted (10 points): Contribute to the community by sharing valuable content, be it a post, article, or any form of media. Reaction Given (1 point): Show appreciation for content by giving it a reaction. Reaction Received (1 point): Earn points when your content receives a reaction from fellow members. Discussion Points: How do you feel about the new ranking system? Have you achieved any of the ranks yet? Share your experience! What strategies do you have in mind for climbing up the ranks? Do you think this system will enhance community engagement? Any suggestions or feedback regarding the ranking system? We encourage everyone to participate in this discussion and share your thoughts. Let's work together to make our community even more vibrant and engaging! Remember, every interaction counts towards your journey up the ranks. Happy ranking!
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